Innovative companies

Innovative companies: how to ensure constant innovation in your market?

In the current scenario, being part of the select group of innovative companies is a competitive advantage to boost growth, work and ensure the longevity of the organization. Companies that invest in innovation are transforming and generating unconventional challenges that redefine entire industries. Overall, they are a reflection of agility, adaptability and strategic vision. What…

AI in Marketing

Check out how the use of AI in Marketing promises to revolutionize the advertising market

In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has established itself as a disruptive technology capable of profoundly transforming diverse sectors of the economy. One of the areas where its impact has been especially significant is marketing. As companies seek to excel in an increasingly competitive market, AI emerges as a powerful tool to drive effective strategies…

Innovation HUB

Innovation HUB: Transformation and Business Development

In the current scenario of constant technological evolution and business competitiveness, there is a need to establish spaces that foster innovations, promote collaboration and boost the sustainable growth of organizations. It is in this context that innovation HUBs emerge as protagonists, assuming a crucial role in accelerating digital transformation and developing disruptive solutions. In this…

Partial report: Pandemics, Geopolitical Turbulence, and the new reality of Global Supply Chain Management

The troubled global scenario of recent years has profoundly affected companies, consumers and countries, prompting a redesign of globalization and changes in corporate strategy. Business managers around the world are being challenged to adjust their operations to the new context by changing their global supply structure, establishing new criteria for choosing countries and trading partners.…

Business Strategy

Business Strategy: understand how it can boost your organization

A fundamental pillar to ensure success in your organization, Business Strategy is an element that guides the path to be followed, helping to define objectives and actions that aim to increase business success. Complementary to strategic leadership, Business Strategy seeks to analyze the care of an organization’s external and internal environments. It requires maximum understanding…