Including international experience in your curriculum vitae is a key advantage that leads many professionals to seek out educational opportunities abroad. However, more than a degree or a title, the truth is that studying abroad adds value in many aspects of our careers and lives.
If you’ve made it this far, you already know how important international training is in honing your skills and developing your career, right?
Today, however, we’re going to tell you more about some of the added benefits of investing in a short course abroad. Keep reading below to learn more!
1 – The methodology used in classes is quite different
What makes the experience of taking a short course abroad even more enriching is the fact that the classes make use of very dynamic and attractive methodologies. This means that you will not just be listening to the teacher inside a classroom and completing the course schedule.
Throughout the program, several different activities are offered that complement the learning process, such as:
● Analyses of successful cases
● Visits to local businesses
● Lectures with professionals working in the global market
● Development of group work
● Participation-based discussions
This will make class sessions more dynamic and enjoyable, in addition to providing broad learning opportunities that can be easily applied to your corporate routine when you return from the course, transforming the investment you have made into the trip into competitive skills that will make you stand out in your respective career field.
2 – You will have plenty of time for sightseeing
Even with mornings and afternoons devoted to studies, short-term programs abroad typically last for 3 weeks, offering students flexibility in enjoying tourism throughout the region during evenings and on weekends.
This will allow you to expand your experience, exploring the local gastronomy, leisure activities, and the numerous tourist options available, which will certainly enhance your cultural understanding.
3 – Short course abroad offer an environment conducive to making new friends
Dozens of other students like yourself will be immersed during this short-term program, which makes the environment highly conducive to establishing new friendships and expanding networks.
In addition to the other students from your country that will be traveling with you, it is also possible to connect with people from other countries sharing the classroom. This contributes both to professional networking — opening up new pathways into an international career — and meeting new people that will keep you company during leisure periods.
4 – Cultural baggage is as formative as academic learning
Skills acquired during a short course abroad will make your curriculum vitae competitive and enhance your professional practices. Additionally, however, during the course you will also broaden your worldview by experiencing a culture that is different from your own.
It will be possible to get to develop a more in-depth understanding of the local job market and local habits both within and outside the corporate environment. Students able to try new foods, appreciate the local architecture and, depending on your choice of tourist activities, immerse themselves in the region’s history.
5 – You can take a course abroad without abandoning your studies and current job
Short courses abroad are highly suitable for those looking to obtain an international education but do not want to move permanently to another country.
For this purpose, several renowned institutions in the United States and Europe offer programs during the months of January and July, allowing undergraduate students and young professionals to take advantage of their vacation period to hone their skills.
6 – You’ll be given support both before and during the experience
If you are leaving the country for the first time and have questions about the process leading up to the trip, we have good news for you!
When you choose one of IBS Americas’ short courses, you will receive personalized support from our team both before and during your trip.
Once your enrollment is confirmed, we will help you with the documentation needed to enter the chosen country, as well as provide guidance on accommodation, transportation, food, and anything else you may need. We also provide pre-trip onboarding meetings, so students are able get to know one another in advance and form new bonds with their classmates.
Many of our courses also offer a Business English module, so you can improve your English language skills before your trip.
For more information on available courses and take advantage of an international experience, visit our website and learn more.