We know that keeping up to date and studying market movements and trends is essential for those who want to stand out in the professional market and for those who work with management and administration.
In addition to the short courses taken abroad, if you want to boost your knowledge and learn about topics that are hot in the business world, you can invest your time in online courses, taught by professors with great experience.
IBS Americas, in partnership with major universities in the United States and Europe, offers 8 options for short courses that address topics related to management and administration using case studies from large companies to help you better understand each of the concepts explained.
All of them certified, in three hours of class, 100% online, and free!
Read the following text and see which short courses can help you stand out in the job market!
1. Blue Ocean Strategy: Alexa Case Study
The course developed with the support of California State University, Northridge, brings core elements of Blue Ocean Strategy, one of the most influential business management ideas of recent years. To better understand strategic management and the search for new markets in competitive sectors, Professor Ricardo Britto, PhD in Administration from USP and Director of IBS Americas, brings the case study of the launch of Alexa, the virtual assistant of the company Amazon.
2. Corporate Social Responsibility: Microsoft Case Study
In this online course developed with the support of the University of La Verne, California, Professor Aldo Brunhara, PhD in International Management and Director of International Relations at IBS Americas, presents the Microsoft case study, demonstrating how a company can respect the Environment, being socially responsible and generating returns for shareholders.
The study presents the core concepts of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) according to the book “The Oxford Handbook of Corporate Social Responsibility.”
3. Balanced Scorecard: Uber Case Study
The course was developed with the support of Pearson College London. You will learn about the Balanced Scorecard methodology, analyzing the case of Uber, a company that, despite losing money in 2019, still attracted the attention of investors.
Taught by Professor Ricardo Britto, this short course helps you understand more about Strategic Management.
4. Competition Demystified: Blackberry Case Study
In the new free online course at IBS Americas, developed with the support of the State University of New York and taught by Professor João Guerreiro, Master of Business Administration and Academic Director of IBS Americas, you will learn about the Entry Barriers in Competitive Strategies and how this important tool can help keep your business ahead of the competition.
To better understand the theory, presented in the book “Competition Demystified”, by professors Judd Kahn and Bruce Greenwald, Professor João brings the case study of the Blackberry company, which was one of the pioneers in the mobile telephony market, but lost space to the competition.
5. Innovation Management: Embraer Case Study
In the course developed with the support of the State University of New York, Professor Ricardo Britto talks about the central concepts of Innovation Management, based on the book “The Innovator’s Dilemma” by North American Professor Clayton Christensen.
To explain the theory, the professor analyzes a case study of the Embraer company, which even with a little market share, remains innovative.
6. Price, Value and Performance: Tesla Case Study
In this online course, developed with the support of California State University, you will learn about the relationship between the concepts of Price, Value, and Performance and the influence of these concepts on a company’s stock price.
Professor Daniel Pitelli, PhD in Finance from USP and Director of IBS Americas, presents the case study of Tesla, a company that, despite having operating losses, still has shares that are valued in the market.
7. Increase your Revenue with the Ansoff Matrix: Google Case Study
This short course, taught by Professor Elaine Mandotti, PhD in Administration from USP and Academic Director of IBS Americas, developed with support from Pearson College London, presents what the Ansoff Matrix is and how the tool can help in your company’s strategic planning!
To better understand it, the professor brings the Google case study, demonstrating how the company uses information to create opportunities for expansion.
8. Porter’s Competitive Strategy: Netflix Case Study
In the short course developed in partnership with the Italian university, CUOA Business School, professor Ricardo Britto brings the ideas of North American Professor, Michael Porter, recorded in his book “Competitive Strategy”, with the case study of the company Netflix, which revolutionized the film and series distribution market.
Now that you are familiar with the online courses, visit our Digital Library and sign up! In addition to receiving a certificate of participation equivalent to three hours of class time, you also have the chance to apply for scholarships for the vacation programs offered by the universities that support the courses!
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