26-year-old Filipe de Souza Alves and his family are the head of a successful company: Implantec Health Care Technology®, an institution that provides services to several areas of Health. With great knowledge in Business Strategy, it is correct to say that his profession goes beyond chance – it is in the blood. Born in Belo Horizonte and attending his last year of Civil Engineering at the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Filipe attended our Contemporary Topics in Business Strategy program in January 2018, at Pearson College London.
Get to know the experience of our student in a British college, the contemporary view on Business and a little of his history, which is synonymous with restlessness: the search for knowledge is of great value in his life.
You attended the Contemporary Topics in Business Strategy course at Pearson College London. What was the most remarkable experience you had there?
What struck me the most was having contact with Business English. I have already had contact with academic English, but nothing focused specifically on business. I did not have the knowledge of what was happening in Europe, & how Strategic Management is operated there. So, it was very important to get that perspective, which is taught in a very interactive way. The professors are excellent, and the classmates were extremely helpful in the development of the classes.
Being immersed in a business-driven course and city, was incredible. I know it’s not possible for everyone to have that opportunity, but I wish that is was more accessible. I think it is important for the development of everyone to have this experience.
What was the most meaningful learning you received from professors?
I have difficulty applying what I learn in the classroom to what I do in day to day practice but, they managed to bridge the relationship of learning and what to do in real life. One thing I had trouble doing, for example, was knowing how to apply a SWOT analysis in practice. That was a very significant gain.
What professional trait did not have your attention before, but developed in you after the course?
Analyze a company broadly. Before, I analyzed it thinking that each function worked separately, but after this course I see that all the people that integrate a company are multitasking. If people work in a complementary way, performing their function and being able to perform other functions, the company is complete.
What made you realize that you needed to invest in an international executive program?
We have a family business. I will graduate soon and my brothers and I want to take over the company, but to take over a business, we need knowledge, and there is no better way to seek knowledge than by going outside the country. Knowledge here in Brazil is something I have, so I wanted to seek knowledge in another culture, to see how things worked there, because the situation they are living in Europe is very different, compared with the situation we are living here in Brazil.
Was studying always something important to you, or did it come about as time went on?
There are few areas that I have pleasure in studying. In Business, Management, etc., I study alone because it’s something I like. Every fifteen days I have a class with a professor, also my mentor, where we learn about Harvard cases, MBA, and so on. We analyze decision-making in several companies and in different areas, this way I can acquire knowledge, both for life and for business. I like it.
Why did you choose IBS Americas?
I researched a lot before choosing. I’m a very curious person. So, I wanted to know who IBS Americas was: what they do, what the courses are like, etc. The initial contact came thanks to Prof. Ricardo, because he has a communication with my University and I received an email containing some details about the courses that were being offered by IBS. I thought about this at home and decided to send my resume to see if I would be granted the scholarship. I was already looking for something to develop a part that I had not developed yet, which is the Business area. So, I was looking for something other than a conventional exchange. It was a research process and cost-effective. I do not go straight choose without thinking or searching. And it was worth it!
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